About Hayden Lodge
Hayden Lodge A.F. & A.M. (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons) is one of seven Freemason Lodges within the 25th District of Freemasons in Massachusetts. Hayden Lodge originated in Brookfield, MA in 1853, and received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1863. The Lodge was named after District Deputy Grand Master Otis Hayden, who was from Brookfield, MA and Sudbury, MA. There is a great amount of history and tradition in Hayden Lodge. In 2003, Hayden Lodge merged with Spencer Lodge in Spencer, MA and Meridian Sun Lodge in North Brookfield, MA. We currently meet in the North Brookfield building located at 3 High School Drive, North Brookfield MA, 01535 and can be reached by email at info@haydenlodge.org or by text message or phone call at 508-864-2427
The Lodge voted to use the Hayden Lodge name being that it was the oldest of the three Lodges. Joining these three lodges has created a strong unit by bringing together many great men with diverse backgrounds, religions, educations and talents. Members from all three lodges are still active, and we are proud to say we are growing with new members. We are a very active lodge believing strongly in Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, which are the “Tenets of our profession,” and by serving others we remain faithful to the obligations we have taken as Masons.
We meet from September – June Wednesdays on or before the full moon. Sometimes figuring out the dates can be a little tricky- so check out our schedule here. Meeting on a Wednesday full moon, or the Wednesday before the full moon makes us a “moon lodge”. Hayden Lodge is one of six Moon Lodges in the entire state of Massachusetts jurisdiction!
When not meeting, a major focus for all members is charity and volunteerism. Look for us throughout the year at the Klems Charity for Car’s during the summer months, hosting breakfast fundraisers for Hearts for Heat, and many North Brookfield and surrounding community-wide events including the National Night Out, etc.
Perhaps we’re not the closest lodge to you, and that’s ok! Consider finding a lodge close to you in Massachusetts if you’re interested in visiting or learning more.
About Freemasonry
Freemasonry, sometimes just called Masonry, is the world’s oldest and largest Fraternity. It aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members — men (aged 18+) from every race, religion, opinion, and background — who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship. There are more than 3 million members meeting in nearly every free country in the world. Freemasonry proposes to “make good men better” by teaching — with metaphors taken from geometry and architecture — about building values based on great universal truths. And of course, charity and community service is fundamental to Freemasonry and something we actively take part in.
The Three Tenets of Freemasonry
Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: it seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches and practices concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need. In short: Freemasonry Cares.
In today’s world, it is difficult for men to come together in a way that enables them to develop true and lasting connections. Increasing demands from our careers and family makes camaraderie difficult to establish and maintain. Masons develop a connection built on shared beliefs and experiences. This creates a profound bond that transcends ordinary kinship. Brothers support and challenge one another, share knowledge and wisdom, and provide light and hope in times of darkness. As a Masonic brother, you will always have a network of peers who care about you, no matter the hardships you may face.
“That’s the essence of friendship – making sure the person you’re talking to feels valued.” – Raphael Awuku
In this world of plenty, no one should be in need. Freemasons believe that the desire to help others is a natural by-product of our own personal growth and development. When good men come together, this desire (and our ability to put it into action) grows exponentially. From the earliest days of Freemasonry, providing care and resources for others has been one of our most vital activities. In fact, we give over 3 million dollars to national and local charities every single day. More importantly than financial support, however, is that all Masons give generously of both their time and talents.
“I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for the Masons.” – Jon Rizzo
As Freemasons, we continually seek to better ourselves and the world around us through the pursuit of knowledge. At its core, Freemasonry is about the nature of truth. Together, we pursue wisdom through a system of values. We use symbols and allegory because they are the surest way in which our shared truth may be taught. Through these symbols and our shared traditions, each Mason defines and discovers his own unique path.
Leadership skills are developed by Freemasons in their search for truth. As we learn and grow, we become mentors to others. Freemasons share their knowledge and skills with other Masons and with the community as a whole. Within Freemasonry, there are ample opportunities to learn the leadership skills that you may have never recognized you possessed. This includes leadership positions available at the lodge, District, and Grand Lodge level.
Striving for personal growth is a core tenet of Freemasonry. As Masons progress through the Craft, they discover different aspects of themselves and develop a range of skills they may never have recognized they had. The opportunities for betterment are immeasurable, whether it’s through helping a brother in need or supporting the community through acts of charity.
As Freemasons, we cherish the pursuit of wisdom. We strive for enlightenment through the pursuit of the knowledge found in our symbols, rituals and allegory. By striving to live with virtue and compassion and by maintaining an ongoing curiosity about our world, we continue to embody the spirit of enlightenment.
Upcoming Events
Below are all the events scheduled at our Lodge or events our Lodge is participating in. Join us or stop by and say hello!
25th Lodge of Instruction
October Meal
Regular Communication
Open House
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